15 – Minute French – Learn


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An innovative, visual approach to learning the basics of a language, aimed at the business and informed tourist market A complete survival course that is also a ready reference you can take with you Assumes no prior knowledge, providing a practical grounding in five 15-minute sessions a week over three months The first time DK visual values have been applied to language learning, making this a unique product in a popular market Builds on the highly successful Eyewitness Travel Guide branding and popular Top 10 format Links language learning to practical business and traveller situations Incorporates regular reinforcement for lasting learning with the aid of specially designed “cover and test” flaps, and no need for notes Connects images, words and ideas in an intuitive easy-to-remember way

Dorling KindersleyDorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd2005160Inglês14053028799781405302876Usado

Livro em bom estado de conservação. Lombada e miolo firmes, sem sublinhamento ou anotações. Apresenta marcas do tempo em algumas páginas e no corte.

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