A Matter of Opinion


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Victor S NavaskyPicador2005Inglês9780374299972Usado

Livro estado de novo brochura – 458p – sem nome – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – com carimbo – miolo firme – Victor S. Navasky is the renowned editor, writer, and teacher who has been at the helm of The Nation for almost thirty years. A Matter of Opinion, a scintillating reflection on his journalistic experiences, is also an extraordinary political document-a spirited, provocative argument for independent journals of opinion as vital to the health of democracy.Whether at the satirical magazine Monocle (which he founded when he was in law school), or at The New York Times, or finally at The Nation, Navaskys commitment to political engagement and to the social and intellectual values of independent cultural activity has always been front and center. In a wonderfully..

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