A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man


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James JoycePenguin Classics1996Inglês9780140622300Usado

-Lx- 13.466 – 288 págs – Livro 18×11 cm – Capa e lombada com leves sinais de manuseio – Miolo bom – Bordas/Cortes amarelados – Págs amareladas, mas não comprometem a leitura – Bom estado**A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man portrays Stephens Dublin childhood and youth and, in doing so, provides an oblique self-portrait of the young James Joyce. At its center are questions of origin and source, authority and authorship, and the relationship of an artist to his family, culture, and race. Exuberantly inventive in its style, the novel subtly and beautifully orchestrates the patterns of quotation and repetition instrumental in its heros quest to create his own character, his own language, life, and art: to forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race.

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