A Self-portrait


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A Self-portrait John Coplans offers detailed investigations of his hands. Rather than enhance his appearance as one normally expects of portraiture, Coplans here—and in other photographs of his octogenarian body—presents unexpurgated images of advancing age and physical realism. Emphasizing details such as the lines on his hands and the ridges on his fingernails, he contorts his fingers into positions that suggest emotional states, from clenched in distress to clasped in hope or solidarity. These unidealized, close-up views of the body force us to confront themes of human frailty, the transformation of aging, and mortality. Indeed, Coplans never revealed his face in any of his self-portrait images and considered his work

John CoplansPower House Books1997Português9781881616863Usado

Bom estado 168 pp em ingles * Loja virtual Gold * S03

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