A Short History of Judaism


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Dan Cohn / SherbokOneworld Oxford1994Inglês18516806919781851680696Usado

Cod. 389 / lou Muito bom estado de conservação – bordas e paginas levemente amareladas/Idioma InglêsThis book covers all the elements of Jewish history, from the times of thencient Middle East, Mesopotamia and Babylon, to the Jewish diaspora today.t opens with a consideration of the background to the Jewish faith, and itsmergence from the Ancient Middle East. It then considers the Pentateuch, itsrigins, status, and the various different sources. The book then moves on tohe themes of conquest and exile, through the Northern Kingdom, theabylonian conquest and the Maccabean Revolt. Chapter 5 considers Rabbinicudaism and the Academy at Javneb, while Chapter 6 examines the dispersion ofews, in the Roman Empire, under early Islamic rule, and in Christian Euro

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