All About Arthritis


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This book–intended to dispel the mystique and folklore surrounding arthritis–is the first to explain clearly the scientific aspects of arthritis research and treatment. Brewerton tells the intriguing story of arthritis research, from the days before germs were recognized as causes of disease and when reasons for inflammation were obscure, to the present, when breakthroughs in genetics, epidemiology, X-ray crystallography, cell biology, and molecular biology support major advances in research and treatment. He also addresses the human element, discussing the role in arthritis of such factors as age, gender, emotions, pain, and personality. Brewerton ends the story on a hopeful note, carefully explaining the prospects for prevention and treatment.

Derrick Brewerton9780674016163Harvard University Press1995317Inglês9780674016163Usado

-Lx- 13.630 – Loc 9894P – 317 págs – Capa, lombada e miolo bons – Primeira pág cortada ao meio – Cortes/Bordas com riscos de caneta na parte superior, frontal e inferior – Págs claras para leitura – Bom estado – Livro adquirido por descarte

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