Alligators and Crocodiles (our Wild World)


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Deborah DennardCooper Square Publishing Llc2003Inglês9781559718592Usado

Livro usado em bom estado – 47p – sem nome – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – sem carimbos – miolo firme – sem etiqueta no dorso Four fascinating reptiles are the subjects of the newest titles in the Our Wild World series. In each book, kids will find the real stories behind these mysterious creatures, and how theyve earned their distinct reputations. Each begins with a brief section on reptile families and the differences and similarities between them, such as the differences between a snake with legs and a lizard with no legs! Detailed information on habitat, diet, breeding, babies, socialization, dangers, and life cycles are covered, highlighted by full-color photos and Fun Facts throughout. Young readers will discover why … – 20167235

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