Anne Willan – From My Chateau Kitchen


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Anne Willan – From My Chateau Kitchen
The kitchen of the title is in a 17th-century chateau called Le Fey, high on a hill in Burgundy. From this vantage point, Anne Willan — long known as an authority on French regional cuisine, on food history, and on classic French cooking — has written a personal book, elegantly interweaving chapters on her life in the chateau with journeys out into the surrounding landscape. She examines the work of the people of Chateau du Fey and its surrounding quarters: the gardeners, farmers, vintners, and restaurateurs who live and breathe French cuisine, and who contribute to the character and flavors of the Burgundian table

Anne WillanClarkson Potter2000303Inglês9780609602263Usado

Ótimo estado capa dura com sobrecapa formato grande 303 pp * Gold

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