Autor | Autor | Editora | Edição | Ano | Páginas | Idioma | ISBN-10 | ISBN-13 | Condição |
Thomas Gregor | Chigago | 1987 | Inglês | 0226307433 | 9780226307435 | Usado |
Anxious Pleasures the Sexual Lives of Amazonian People
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Cod. 705 / Antropologia / Lou /Idioma Inglês – Bom estado – Págs claras para leituraGood fish get dull but sex is always fun. So say the Mehinaku people of Brazil. But Thomas Gregor shows that sex brings a supreme ambiguity to the villagers lives. In their elaborate rituals—especially those practiced by the men in their secret societies—the Mehinaku give expression to a system of symbols reminiscent of psychosexual neuroses identified by Freud: castration anxiety, Oedipal conflict, fantasies of loss of strength through sex, and a host of others. If we look carefully, writes Gregor, we will see reflections of our own sexual nature in the life ways of an Amazonian people. The book is illustrated with Mehinaku drawings of ritual texts and myths, as well as with