Audition a Memoir


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Barbara WaltersVintage Book2008Inglês9780307279965Usado

Cod. 7064 / 628 pg. / -Lz- Excelente conservação – Here are the people and forces that shaped Barbara Walters from childhood – her mentally retarded sister, Jackie; risktaking father who owned glamorous nightclubs and made and lost several fortunes; her loving but fearful mother. Here, too, are her relationships with men – in and out of her marriages – and with her friends, coworkers, and rivals. She talks openly about her daughters troubled adolescence and about her struggle to make it in a mans world. And, of course, she talks about the range of interviews she has conducted during her forty years on the air – every president and First Lady, every important head of state and newsmaker of our time – from Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, and Monica Lewinsky

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