Awakening Mystical Consciousness


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In Awakening Mystical Consciousness, Goldsmith explains the spiritual principles and practices that will help us to awaken. He instructs the reader in how to use contemplation, meditation, and inner communion to attain the realization of the true Self. With care and in detail, he addresses the nature of God as omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience; the nature of spiritual power; our real identity; the nature of concepts; and the barriers that obstruct the way to realization. But Goldsmith clearly emphasizes that these statements of truth are not truth.

Joel GoldsmithAcropolis Book1980208Inglês9781889051840Usado

Capa, lombada e miolo bons – Págs claras – Corte superior com mancha escura – Págs na parte superior com marcas de terem sido molhadas – Algumas partes com marca texto –

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