B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Wisdom and Practice


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Practical yoga instruction and words of wisdom for health, happiness and a better world, from BKS Iyengar Through the writings, experiences and philosophy of the world�s greatest yoga guru and teacher, BKS Iyengar, discover what yoga can do for your health, happiness and whole life. This blend of wisdom both ancient and modern and practical advice and guidance, provides a holistic, all-embracing way to bring health, happiness and harmony to the way you live. BKS Iyengar passes on the lessons of his own life journey, and shares the physical and spiritual rewards you can gain from an uplifting series of beautifully presented asanas, breathing exercises and meditations. Yoga for your contentment, for joy, for true inner peace, for life.

BKS IyengarB. K. S. IyengarDK2009256Inglês9781405335508Seminovo

Livro em excelente estado de conservação, sem rasuras, marcações, assinaturas ou dedicatórias.

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