Be Honest – Youre Not That Into Him Either


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He world is full of sensational women, but in today’s market there are too few good men to go around (or so it appears). In this smash national bestseller, Dr. Ian Kerner, sex therapist, explores the battlefield of sex, hookups, go-nowhere relationships, and the dismal dating treadmill—arming women with a sharper set of insights and the tools for change. With humor and sincerity, Kerner shows women how to break the cycle of dating defeat and use the power of sex to find love—with a great guy who is into you.

Ian KernerRegan Books2005164Inglês9780060817404Usado

Livro capa dura, com contra capa – Livro manchado próximo a lombada e nela tbm – Págs sublinhadas e marcadas a lápis – Miolo bom

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