Choosing War


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Choosing War: The Lost Chance for Peace and the Escalation of War in Vietnam Fredrik Logevall In one of the most detailed and powerfully argued books published on American intervention in Vietnam, Fredrik Logevall examines the last great unanswered question on the war: Could the tragedy have been averted? His answer: a resounding yes. Challenging the prevailing myth that the outbreak of large-scale fighting in 1965 was essentially unavoidable, Choosing War argues that the Vietnam War was unnecessary, not merely in hindsight but in the context of its time. Why, then, did major war break out? Logevall shows it was partly because of the timidity of the key opponents of U.S. involvement, and partly because

Fredrik LogevallUniversity of California Press1 edition2001558Inglês05202291939780520229198Usado

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