Convince Them in 90 Seconds or Less


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“Nick Boothman’s brilliant stroke is to guarantee that within the first 90 seconds of meeting someone you’ll be communicating like old trusted friends….[Then he] shows how to turn those instant connections into long-lasting, productive business relationships.” —Marty Edelston, Publisher, BottomLine/Personal Whether you’re selling, negotiating, interviewing, networking, or leading a team, success depends on convincing other people-and convincing other people depends on making meaningful connections. Nicholas Boothman, an expert on forging instant relationships, shows how to use the tools that belong to all of us-face, body, attitude, and voice-to make a dazzling first impression, establish immediate rapport and trust, and master the people-to-people skills that will help you persuade others to embrace and act on your ideas.

Nicholas BoothmanWorkman Publishing2010296Inglês07611585539780761158554Usado

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