Desert Flower: the Extraordinary Journey of a Desert Nomad


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Waris DirieHarper2011Inglês9780688172374Usado

Livro usado em bom estado -edição popular – 16x23cm 228p – peso certo do livro para valor correto do frete – sem nome – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – sem carimbo – miolo firme – sem etiqueta no dorso – – /// -Waris Dirie ran away from her oppressive life in the African desert when she was barely in her teens, illiterate and impoverished, with nothing to her name but a tattered shawl. She traveled alone across the dangerous Somali desert to Mogadishu—the first leg of a remarkable journey that would take her to London, where she worked as a house servant; then to nearly every corner of the globe as an internationally renowned fashion model; and ultimately to New York City, where she became a human rights ambassador for the U.N.

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