Educating Second Language Children


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This text brings together the work of 15 elementary education experts who support an integrative approach to educating second language children. The paperback edition is a collection of articles from fourteen elementary education experts who espouse an integrative approach to second language education – one that goes beyond language teaching methodology – to cover a wide range of issues affecting the academic and social success of language minority children. The volume deals not only with second language development, but with the development of the whole child. Rather than focusing on language instruction, it addresses the entire curriculum, and instead of restricting itself to classroom learning, it examines the role of the school, family, and community.

Fred GeneseeCambridge University Press19940325376Inglês0521451795,05214579719780521457972Usado

Livro em bom estado, bordas manchadss, contracapa rabiscada de caneta pilot, páginas sem rasuras

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