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The leading companies of the past twenty years have all harnessed the power of information to gain competitive advantage. But as access to big data becomes ubiquitous, it can no longer guarantee a leg up. Fast/Forward makes the case that we are entering a new era in which firms that understand the limits of 1s and 0s will take the lead. Whereas the industrial age saw the rise of bureaucracy, and the information age has been described as a meritocracy, we are witnessing the rise of adhocracy. In uncertain, rapidly-changing times, adhocracic organizations scan the horizon for winning opportunities. Then, instead of questing after more analysis, they respond with agility by making smart, intuitive decisions. Combining decisive action with emotional conviction, future-facing firms seize the day. Fast/Forward paints the big picture of a new approach to strategy and provides the necessary playbook to make your company fit for the future.

Julian M. BirkinshawJonas RidderstråleStanford Business Books20170328232Inglês08047995399780804799539Seminovo

Descrição: Livro usado em ótimo estado – capa dura – 16×23 cm – 240p -sem nome antigo dono – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos -sem carimbo – miolo firme – sem etiqueta no dorso – sem sublinhado – sem rasgos nas capas e/ou lombada e/ou páginas – sem amarelados e/ou manchas do tempo ///The leading companies of the past twenty years have all harnessed the power of information to gain competitive advantage. But as access to big data becomes ubiquitous, it can no longer guarantee a leg up. Fast/Forward makes the case that we are entering a new era in which firms that understand the limits of 1s and 0s will take the lead. Whereas the industrial age saw the rise of bureaucracy, and the information age has been described as a meritocracy

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