Field Guide to Mammals of Southern Africa


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Southern Africa has a wealth of mammal species, a total of 337 – all of which are covered in this fully revised comprehensive field guide. While the term ‘African mammals’ conjures up the more celebrated species of elephant, lion, buffalo, leopard and rhino, it is in fact the smaller animals – shrews, genets, suricates and bats – that comprise the bulk of the region’s mammal species. And, often overlooked but included here too is the diversity of marine mammals – seals, whales and dolphins – that are found in our oceans. This new edition of Field Guide to Mammals of Southern Africa has been extensively revised to include the most recent research in line with new findings and new taxonomy. Up-to-date information, revised distribution maps and new images (where available) have been combined in a modern, full-color layout. Color-coding has been introduced according family groupings and spoor and size icons are included for quick reference with each mammal entry. Another new feature is the inclusion of skulls, grouped at the back of the book for easy comparison. In addition to detailed descriptions of each species, the text offers insight into key identification characters, typical behavior, preferred habitat, food choice and reproduction.

Chris StuartTilde StuartStruik, New Holland [distributor], New Holland [distributor4th ed.20070Inglês177007404X9781770074040Usado

Livro em ótimo estado, páginas sem rasuras

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