Autor | Autor | Editora | Edição | Ano | Páginas | Idioma | ISBN-10 | ISBN-13 | Condição |
Balpa Medical Study Group | Granada Publishing | 1980 | Inglês | Usado |

Fit to Fly: a Medical Handbook For Pilots
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Exemplar em bom estado de conservação, texto integro, sem grifos, Inglês *Pilots have become increasingly aware of the importance of taking positive action to try to maintain a high standard of health. By so doing, not only do they improve their chances of keeping their licences until retirement, but they also find that they can operate more efficiently and are better able to cope with the discomforts and stresses of their profession. This revised edition of the medical handbook has been produced as an aid for pilots; it has been written by pilots and is presented in a style and language which is easy to read and understand
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