Fullness of Joy


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John StephensonDevorss Publications2012Inglês9780875168708Usado

Cod. 6772 / Auto-ajuda / 152 pg. / -Lz- Idioma Inglês – capa, lombada e miolo perfeitos – Págs claras – Algumas partes com marca texto John Stephenson is an amazing and unique man who has expertise in so many areas including being a teacher of Joel Goldsmith, sailor, surfer, artist, sculptor and scriptwriter. John is one of those guys who lives and tastes life to its fullest. And above all, he is one of the most committed persons I know who truly walks his spiritual pathway. John writes with authenticity, sincerity, honesty, inspiration and conviction. Is not the “The Fullness of Joy” what we are all looking for? For me, “Joy” has a higher spiritual dimensional energy than the word “Happiness” because “Joy” goes beyond the physical material dimension of what we call

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