Glimpses of the Next State


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William Usborne MooreHidden Mysteries Tgs Publ2007InglêsUsado

When he wrote a small book titled The Cosmos and the Creeds, William Usborne Moore, a retired British navy officer who had command of six surveying vessels before his retirement, attacked the teachings of the churches and expressed doubt as to the reality of a future life. At the time I thought that such immortality as man possessed lay in the influence his actions, words, or writings had upon those who were his contemporaries, or who came after him; but that he himself, as an individual conscious entity, disappeared forever, not to be recognized again, he wrote eight years later in Glimpses of the Next State, published 100 years ago this year. Soon after the first book was published, * exemplar em bom estado de conservação 304 pgns sem grifos * formato 20×27 – ,

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