Ill Walk Alone


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Mary Higgins ClarkPocket Books2012Inglês9781439180976Usado

Cod. 7030 / 418 pg. / -Lz- Livro 17×10, 5 – Idioma Inglês – Capa, lombada e miolo bons – Bordas amareladas – Págs claras – Alexandra Zan Moreland, a gifted, beautiful interior designer on the threshold of a successful Manhattan career, is terrified to discover that somebody is not only using her credit cards and manipulating her financial accounts to bankrupt her and destroy her reputation, but may also be impersonating her in a scheme that may involve the much more brutal crimes of kidnapping and murder. Zan is already haunted by the disappearance of her own son, Matthew, kidnapped in broad daylight two years ago in Central Park – a tragedy that has left her torn between hope and despair. Now, on what would be Matthew’s fifth birthday, photo

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