Intelligent Business Pre-intermediate Workbook + Cd


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Irene Barrall; Nikolas BarrallLongman2009Inglês9780582846951Usado

Livro usado em bom estado – com CD – 21x27cm 96p – – sem nome – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – sem carimbos – miolo firme – sem etiqueta no dorso – sinais na capa de trás /// – Intelligent Business is a dynamic and flexible multi-level course with an integrated range of components to develop studentsknowledge of the business world and the skills to work within it. the course book features a wealth of authentic material toengage and inspire students, notably articles taken from the highly regarded business magazine. The Economist Students get a clear picture of key issues and concepts in business and other related fields such as technology and environment.

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