James Bond: Nightbird


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The legend continues! Stand by for more adventures with the world’s greatest and most famous secret agent, James Bond, as some of his most thrilling missions are collected for the first time ever in a deluxe collectors’ library edition! This bumper action-packed volume collects ultra rare Bond stories that have not been seen since their original syndication between 1976–77: Hot-Shot, Nightbird and Ape of Diamonds. Also featuring a new celebrity introduction and an exclusive selection of recently unearthed James Bond comic strip artwork that has never before seen print, this latest essential volume is not to be missed!

Ian FlemingJim LawrenceTitan Books2010112Inglês18457651689781845765163Usado

Livro em muito bom estado de conservação, sem rasuras, marcações, assinaturas ou dedicatórias.

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