Kardec – A Biografia


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In this biography, Marcel Souto Maior investigates the life of the encoder of Spiritism, Allan Kardec. What turned the key reference skeptical of a religion? What convinced you to believe that the dead were alive and communicated through mediums? What did face staunch opponents of the Church and the media to bring the greatest number of readers their faith in the survival of the spirit? Went in search of answers to these questions that the author, biographer of Chico Xavier, went into the field. The result of their research is a startling portrait of the man who became the symbol of a doctrine for millions of followers and helped make Brazil the largest country in the world spiritualist.

Marcel Souto MaiorEditora RecordRecord2013364Português85011006769788501100672Usado

Em bom estado de conservação. Lombada e miolo firme, sem sublinhamento ou anotações. Apresenta páginas com marcas do tempo.

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