Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck


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A brilliant, hilarious homage to The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, showing how to shed your mental clutter for good. Aimed at overachieving but dissatisfied people everywhere. Sarah’s inspirational two-step “NotSorry” program shows how unleashing the power of not giving a fuck will help you shed unwanted guilt and obligations to redirect time, energy, and enthusiasm to your true priorities. Sarah reveals why giving a fuck about what other people think is your worst enemy-and how to stop doing it; how to sort your fucks into four essential categories; simple criteria for whether or not you should give a fuck (i.e. “Does this affect anyone other than me?”); and the two keys to successfully not giving a fuck without also being an asshole. So, get rid of the mental clutter, ditch the perfectionism and create the life you want – for good.

Sarah KnightQuercus2015224Inglês17842984769781784298470Usado

Livro em bom estado de conservação. Lombada e miolo firmes, sem sublinhamento ou anotações. Apresenta marcas do tempo em algumas páginas e no corte.

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