Mainstream Or Special? Educating Students With Disabilities


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There remains some controversy about how best to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs. Should they be educated in mainstream schools alongside their peers, or does this mean that specialist help and resources are denied to them?This book explores in depth the ways in which this problem has been tackled in Australia, the UK and Canada. It looks at the major issues which have been raised and the types of provisions and resourcing which have been offered, and then goes on to provide a vision of how future education provision might look for pupils with special educational needs. –

Josephine JenkinsonJosephine JenkinsonRoutledge1996236Inglês9780415128360Usado

Livro usado em bom estado – 236p – com nome – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – sem carimbos – miolo firme -/// There remains some controversy about how best to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs. Should they be educated in mainstream schools alongside their peers, or does this mean that specialist help and resources are denied to them?This book explores in depth the ways in which this problem has been tackled in Australia, the UK and Canada. It looks at the major issues which have been raised and the types of provisions and resourcing which have been offered, and then goes on to provide a vision of how future education provision might look for pupils with special educational needs. –

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