Make and do Bible, The: Imaginative Craft Ideas That Bring the Stories


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Gillian ChapmanLux Verti Bm22006Inglês9780796303929Usado

Livro usado em ótimo estado – 2ª edição – 22x29cm 110p – sem nome – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – sem carimbos – miolo firme – sem etiqueta no dorso / // This is a new offering from the popular Make and Do range which have sold over 25000 copies to date. This is a complete one-stop resource for make-and-do activities with a biblical theme. Bible stories provided alongside the crafts are fully illustrated. It includes creative fun for children which reinforces the message of the Bible stories. Gillian Chapmans creative ideas make this book the complete one-stop resource for make-and-do activities with a biblical theme. The seasons of Christmas and Easter are covered in detail along with many stories from both Old and New Testaments. Starting with the creation of the …

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