Odorico Tavares


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Comprehensive catalogue of the itinerant exhibition of the entire collection (over 450 works) of art collector, poet and journalist Tavares (b. Brazil). The work he gathered during his life was a reflection of his artistic sensibility, his friendship with Brazilian artists and his love for the the Bahia landscape. The large collection holds colonial imaginary (paintings, polychrome wood religious figures and objects) harmonically displayed along works by modern Brazilian artists like: Candido Portinari, Emiliano di Cavalcanti, Aldemir Martins, Jose Pancetti, Djanira, Antonio Bandeira, Mario Carvo Junior, Genaro de Carvahlo, Manabu Mabe, Hansen-Bahia and Francisco Brennand, among others. The collection also includes works by Pablo Picasso, Henry Matisse and Joan Miro along a series of unpublished photographs of Pierre Verger.

Odorico TavaresImpr. Oficial do Estado22005392Português85706040689788570604064Seminovo

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