Organizational Behavior


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Robbins/Judge provides the research you want, written in reader-friendly language and accompanied with the best-selling self-assessment software, SAL. What Is Organizational Behavior?; Foundations of Individual Behavior; Attitudes and Job Satisfaction; Personality and Values; Perception and Individual Decision Making; Motivation Concepts; Motivation: From Concepts to Applications; Emotions and Moods; Foundations of Group Behavior; Understanding Work Teams; Communication; Basic Approaches to Leadership; Contemporary Issues in Leadership; Power and Politics; Conflict and Negotiation; Foundations of Organization Structure; Organizational Culture; Human Resource Policies and Practices; Organizational Change and Stress Management; Globally accepted and written by one of the most foremost authors in the field, this is a necessary read for all managers, human resource workers, and anyone needing to understand and improve their people skills.

Stephen P. RobbinsTimothy A. JudgePrentice Hall142011686Inglês01361240119780136124016Usado

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