Pilates Workbook


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Michael KingUlysses Press2001Inglês9781569752760Usado

Livro usado em ótimo estado – 19×26 cm 96p – sem nome do antigo dono – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – sem carimbos – miolo firme -//-Pilates Workbook offers a straightforward way to learn Joseph Pilates’s authentic techniques. Unlike other books based on Pilates’s teachings, this book illustrates the core matwork movements exactly as he intended them to be performed. Divided into two sections, Pilates Workbook begins with 15 two-page spreads that answer readers’ questions about Pilates and the core principles of the program. The bulk of the book is then dedicated to the exercises. Readers learn each movement by simply following the photographic sequences and explanatory captions. Published with a convenient lay-flat binding, there are over 200 photos to precisely demonstrate p

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