Pirates of the Caribbean – At Worlds End – the Movie Storybook


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T. T. SutherlandDisney Press2007Inglês9781423103783Novo

NOVO!!! Formato grande 21×29, capa dura. Novo com leve sinal de armazenamento nas extremidades da capa / As demais características de livro novo estão confirmadas. Nosso acervo passa por criteriosa análise e na descrição apontamos as características reais do exemplar. Para maiores informações, utilize o campo fale com o vendedor. (imagem ilustrativa) **Pirates of the Caribbean – At Worlds End – The Movie Storybook – T. T. Sutherland (an adaptation) – Since the first gathering of the Brethren Curt, whem the original Pirate Lord laid down the laws of the Seven Seas, pirates have ruled unchallenged. Now, Lord Beckett of the east India Trading Company wants to end their reign. It’s up to Captain Jack Sparrow and his fellow Pirate Lord to overcome this grave threat. If they fail, the…

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