Secrets of the Universe: Past, Present, Future


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Scientif American, Vol 23 - Nº 3Scientif American2014InglêsUsado

Revista Scientif American, vol 23 – nº 3 – Special Collectors Edition – Brochura – Bom estado: miolo sem marcações e sublinhados – 21×27 cm – 112 p – Artigos: The Dawn of Distant Skies (Michael D. Lemonick); The Inner Life of Star Clusters (Steven Stahler); The Far, Far Future of Stars (Donald Goldsmith); Goldilocks Black Holes (Jenny Greene); Dark Worlds: a shadow cosmos, woven silently into our own, may have its own rich inner life (Jonathan Feng e Mark Trodden); The Lost Galaxies (James Geach); The Universes invisible hand (Christopher Conselice); The inflation debate (Paul Steinhardt); Does the multiverse really exist? (Georg Ellis); Follow the Bouncing Universe (Martin Bojowald); Is the Univeser leaking Energy? (Tamara Davis); A G… – 201622406

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