Signs e Symptoms in Pediatrics


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Walter W. TunnessenJb Lippincott Company1983LatimUsado

Exemplar em bom estado de conservação, capa dura, com texto integro, sem grifos *Tunnessen (pediatrics, U. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill) characterizes the work as a distillation of lists such as medical students carry in their notebooks and later fill whole file cabinets. He lists the most common, and some less common, signs and symptoms and jogs the clinicians memory of the various possible causes. He flags the most likely and some important ones not to neglect. He mentions no date for earlier editions, but has added chapters on Sudden Infant Death/Apparent Life-Threatening Events and Digital Clubbing. Other chapters have been updated with new information. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

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