Stay Out of Court


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Rita RisserPrentice Hall1993Inglês01384556199780138455613Usado

Cod. 5029 / Administração / 324 pg. / -Lx- Capa, lombada e miolo perfeitos – Bordas levemente manchadas – Págs claras Managers today are managing in a legal minefield and the only sure way to win a lawsuit is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. This comprehensive guide to employment law tells exactly how to do just that. Published by Prentice Hall and updated in 1994, its written for managers, executives, and business owners, and delivers legal explanations in plain, easy-to-understand English, with vivid case examples and succinct guidelines for implementing the law. The book covers every potential trouble area in employee relations, including discrimination, harassment, privacy including drug testing and electronic privacy issues, illegal questions

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