The 100 – Minute Bible


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Michael Jenkins; Helen JekinsUnited Kingdom2006Português9780955132421Usado

Livro usado em bom estado -Brochura – 21 x29cm – 106p – peso certo do livro para valor correto do frete – com marcas de manuseio – sem nome – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – sem carimbo – miolo firme – sem etiqueta no dorso – – /// -he Bible must be the most popular yet least-read book in the world! It looks so complex, so long, and in a language from a previous era. And yet it’s the greatest story ever told, the ultimate love story, the biography of God himself. The 100-Minute Bible is designed for people who may not know very much about the Christian faith but want to know why the Bible is so popular with two billion people around the world. ..

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