The Brazilian empire


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This classic work of on the history of 19th-century Brazil now includes a new chapter on women. This classic work is must reading for anyone who would understand Brazil and Latin America, past and present. First published in 1985 and now expanded to include a new chapter on women in Brazilian history, the book explores the social, political, economic, and intellectual currents that shaped nineteenth-century Brazil and whose reverberations continue to be felt throughout contemporary Brazilian society. Placing her findings in a rich comparative context with regard to U.S. history, Emilia Viotti da Costa concentrates on crucial moments in Brazilian history to shed light on a number of vexing questions: Otimo estado 320 pp *** em ingles * Sac 023 *

Emília Viotti da CostaUniversity of North Carolina PressRev. ed.2000364Inglês08078484099780807848401Usado

Otimo estado 364 pp Grifos a caneta em Algumas Páginas **** em ingles * Sac 023 *

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