The Co-creation Paradigm


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Building on a decade-long pursuit to define and implement co-creative practices in business, The Co-Creation Paradigm calls for a radical rethinking of traditional ideas about how value is created. Aruging that organizations must engage their stakeholders as drivers of the process, this book illustrates how to create “win more-win more” outcomes in the private, public, and social sector.

Venkat RamaswamyKerimcan OzcanStanford Business Books2014Inglês9780804789158Seminovo

Livro seminovo ótimo estado – capa dura – 15.24 x 3.05 x 22.86 cm – 356p – com sobrecapa preservada – sem nome – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos -sem carimbo – miolo firme – sem etiqueta no dorso /// Building on a decade-long pursuit to define and implement co-creative practices in business, The Co-Creation Paradigm calls for a radical rethinking of traditional ideas about how value is created. Aruging that organizations must engage their stakeholders as drivers of the process, this book illustrates how to create “win more-win more” outcomes in the private, public, and social sector.

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