The Complete Book of Needlecrafts


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Introduced By Caroline OllardGuild Publishing London1984InglêsUsado

Exemplar em bom estado de conservação, capa dura com proteção original, formato grande, 240 paginas, . texto integro, sem grifos, ricamente ilustrado., *To call this the complete book of needlecrafts is somewhat misleading, since it covers only the techniques of embroidery, needlepoint, quilting, applique, and patchwork. Originally published in England, the book emphasizes the traditional techniques for which British needlework is famous. The individual chapters combine basic instruction with patterns and step-by-step instructions for projects. It is not as extensive or as detailed in coverage as The Readers Digest Complete Guide to Needlework ( LJ 11/1/79), which remains the best modern guide in this field. Still, it is well illustrated and does provide some attractive projects. ***

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