The Complete Cat Breed Book


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Choose the perfect cat for youFrom Siamese to Sphynx cats, The Complete Cat Breed Bookwill help you choose the perfect companion for you. Fully illustrated and featuring over 150 of the world’s best-loved cat breeds, this is the only cat breed guide you’ll ever need. Complete with breed history, appearance and personality traits with Q&A charts, you’re sure to find all the information necessary when choosing your cat. Also find expert advice on communicating with your cat and top tips on tackling behavioural problems such as ankle biting or furniture scratching. A concise care programme will cover all stages of your cat’s life, from establishing a routine to dealing with common health problems. The Complete Cat Breed Bookis a one-stop manual to helping you become the owner of a happy, healthy, well-mannered cat.

Dorling Kindersley Publishing StaffDorling Kindersley2013Inglês14093806379781409380634Usado

Livro em ótimo estado, bordas levemente manchadas, páginas sem rasuras

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