The Curious Barista’s Guide to Coffee


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The definitive guide to the extraordinary world of coffee from growing and roasting to brewing and serving the perfect cup. The definitive guide to the extraordinary world of coffee from growing and roasting to brewing and serving the perfect cup. The ultimate guide to the history, science and community behind coffee. Here, Tristan Stephenson explores the origins of coffee, its journey around the world and cultural influence. A section on Farming, Roasting & Assessing coffee takes an in-depth look at the growing and harvesting process, the evolution of the coffee roaster and the science behind the many flavours of coffee. There is also advice on buying coffee, understanding the differences between espresso blends and single origin coffee, packing and storing. We then move into Espresso and get to grips with grinding and making espresso-based drinks including the latte, cappuccino, flat white and macchiato, as well as pouring latte art and introducing chocolate, sugar and syrups. Other Brewing Methods showcases a selection of classic brewing techniques that bring the coffee to your kitchen table, from the mocha pot and French press to pourover and siphon brewers. Finally a section on Enjoying Coffee offers 25 recipes for coffee-based drinks and baked treats to serve them with. From iced to Irish, espresso martinis to coffee beer, this is an essential anthology for the coffee enthusiast.

Tristan StephensonRyland Peters & Small20150Inglês18497556399781849755634Usado

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