The Fifth Season


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David DochertyPocket Books2003Inglês07434410799780743441070Usado

cod. 537 / lx / livro 18×11 – bom estado – bordas amareladas – págs amareladas, não comprometem a leitura*the stunning new thriller from the author of the killing jar. brilliant scientist dr grace adams is close to a breakthrough in her groundbreaking research on gm crops. she hopes her new strain of wheat will bring huge benefits to the starving people of bangladesh, saving hundreds of thousands of lives. but graces involvement in genetically modified foods has made her some dangerous enemies. people prepared to go to any lengths to put an end to her research. permanently. realising shes in danger, grace turns to the one person who can help: her old childhood friend, sam copeland, newly appointed director of the european anti-terrorist unit. but…

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