The Ground Beneath Her Feet Salman Rushdie


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: The Ground Beneath Her Feet Salman Rushdie At the beginning of this stunning novel, Vina Apsara, a famous and much-loved singer, is caught up in a devastating earthquake and never seen again by human eyes. This is her story, and that of Ormus Cama, the lover who finds, loses, seeks, and again finds her, over and over, throughout his own extraordinary life in music. Their epic romance is narrated by Ormuss childhood friend and Vinas sometime lover, her “back-door man, ” the photographer Rai, whose astonishing voice, filled with stories, images, myths, anger, wisdom, humor, and love, is perhaps the books true hero. Telling the story of Ormus and Vina, he finds that he is also revealing his own truths: his human failings, his immortal l

Salman Rushdie Henry Holt 1999InglêsUsado

Otimo estado capa dura sem a sobre capa * 575 pp *

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