The Kabala of Numbers Part I


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The Kabala of Numbers Part I
the kabala of numbers part i sepharialn 1913 sepharial published the results of his studies in a two-volume work which he called the kabala of numbers. in it he presented a clear and original revelation of the kabalistic, or esoteric, doctrine of numerals. he discusses the relationship between numerology and astrology, and shows how a persons destiny can be read in his name. explained in great detail are the fascinating relationships between numbers and the phenomena of nature–color, sound, planetary motion, cycles–and the amazing laws, such as the law of periodicity, which govern the occult world


the kabala of numbers part i sepharialn 1913 sepharial published the results of his studies in a two-volume work which he called the kabala of numbers. in it he presented a clear and original revelation of the kabalistic, or esoteric, doctrine of numerals. he discusses the relationship between numerology and astrology, and shows how a persons destiny can be read in his name. explained in great detail are the fascinating relationships between numbers and the phenomena of nature–color, sound, planetary motion, cycles–and the amazing laws, such as the law of periodicity, which govern the occult estado em ingles 215 pp * loja virtual gold * s014

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