The Letters to Timothy Titus and Philemon


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William BarclayWestminster Press1975324Inglês9780715202814Usado

Livro usado em bom estado – sem nome – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – sem carimbos – miolo firme – 324p – 12x18cm – The Bible Study Series by William Barclay, a set of commentarys of the New Testament have set the standard for commentary writing for over sixty years. He tackles the writer of each commentary, He gives clear ideas about the place and time of each writing. He tells a bit of the history in the places he is writing about. In other words he fleshes out the meaning of each chapter and verse. The commentaries maybe a little light for the serious theologian, looking for something new to study, but even then Barclays writing are enlightening for any one who reads him. – 20163687

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