The Lying Game


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Abandoned by her mother at age five, Emma Paxton has had a rough life in foster care, always longing for a family of her own. When she discovers Sutton Mercer, the wealthy twin she never knew she had, she leaps at the chance to meet her. But then Sutton disappears. Mistaking Emma for her sister, Sutton’s friends whisk her away. At first Emma plays along, eager to peek into her twin’s life. Sutton seems to have everything Emma never got – an adoring boyfriend, fiercely loyal friends, and a close-knit family – but as Emma is drawn further into Sutton’s world, she finds that everyone is hiding dark secrets. Worst of all, Sutton may not be coming back – ever. Now, to find out what happened to her, Emma must keep up the charade. But one wrong move and she could end up missing as well.

Sara ShepardHarper Teen12011318Inglês00620915499780062091543Usado

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