The New strategic brand management 4ªED (Muito Bom)


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Adopted internationally by business schools, MBA programmes and marketing practitioners alike, The New Strategic Brand Management is simply the reference source for senior strategists, positioning professionals and postgraduate students. Over the years it has not only established a reputation as one of the leading works on brand strategy but also has become synonymous with the topic itself. The new edition builds on this impressive reputation and keeps the book at the forefront of strategic brand thinking. Revealing and explaining the latest techniques used by companies worldwide, author Jean-Noël Kapferer covers all the leading issues faced by the brand strategist today, supported by an array of international case studies. With both gravitas and intelligent insight, the book reveals new thinking on a wealth of topics including: brand architecture and diversity strategies; market adaptation approaches; positioning in the private label and store brand environment, and much, much more. Whether you work for an international company seeking to leverage maximum financial value for your brand, or whether you are looking for practical guidance on brand management itself, Kapferer’s market-leading book is the one you should be reading to develop the most robust and watertight approach for your company.

Jean-Noël KapfererKogan Page42009560Inglês07494508519780749450854Seminovo

atrc – livro impresso em 2009 4ª edição em muito bom estado, bordas com suaves pontos de escurecimento em tom bem suave, contem no miolo identificado 4 páginas com grifos a lapis e marca texto, sem maiores detalhes, belo exemplar
A 74
pag 560

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