The Pawprints of History


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Stanley CorenThe Free Press2002InglêsUsado

The Pawprints of History:Dogs and the Course of Human – shines a new light on a favorite subject — the relationship between humans and their four-legged best friends. Stanley Coren, a renowned expert on dog-human interactions, has combed the annals of history and found captivating stories of how dogs have lent a helping paw and influenced the actions, decisions, and fates of well-known figures from every era and throughout the world.As historys great figures strut across the stage, Coren guides us from the wings, adoringly picking out the canine cameos and giving every dog of distinction its day.** exemplar em bom estado de conservação – capa dura com proteção original (foto) – 322 paginas , texto integro sem grifos ou detalhes * *

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