The Riddle of the Sands


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Erskine ChildersPenguin Popular Classics1995Inglês9780140621433Usado

-Lx- 13.472 – 284 págs – Livro 18×11 cm – Capa e lombada com sinais de manuseio – Corte/Bordas amareladas – Págs amareladas, mas não comprometem a leitura – Bom estadoChilderss lone masterpiece, The Riddle of the Sands, considered the first modern spy thriller, is recognisable as the brilliant forerunner of the realism of Graham Greene and John le Carre. Its unique flavour comes from its fine characterization, richly authentic background of inshore sailing and vivid evocation of the late 1890s – an atmosphere of mutual suspicion and intrigue that was soon to lead to war.

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